General Questions
Q: Who do I contact for a particular question or problem?
A: If you have a general query, please contact
Q: Are there any restrictions to the content I can put on my server?
A: Yes - Child pronography and other materials that are illegal are not allowed. Please refer to our Terms of Service.
Domain Name Question
Q: How long does it take to register a domain name?
A: All .com, .net, and .org internet domain names are registered with Internic and takes around 1-2 days.
Q: Do you register Domain Names?
A: Yes, we will happily register your domain name for your customers. You just need to Click Here.
Q: What does it cost to register a Domain Name?
A: $15/year for .com, .net and .org domain names.
Q: What if I already have a registered Domain Name?
A: You have to change the DNS servers to the ones stated below so that your site can be activated on our servers. It usually takes 24-72 hours for your site to resolve to our servers. We will be happy to do this for .com, .org and .net sites.

Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :
Ordering Questions
Q: How do I place an order?
A: to order an account at e-Manic, simply fill in the form on our Order Page.
Q: What happens after I order an account?
A: We will begin setting up your account, once payment is received - often within 24 hours of receiving your order. (Our hosting service works on a subscription service of annual payments so pre-payment is necessary).
Q: How long will it take to set up my account?
A: We will begin setting up your account immediately on receipt of order, and it will be ready within 48 hours for uploading via IP address. It does take a few days for your name to resolve to your site. In the meantime, you may access your site via your IP address.
Q: What method of payment can I use?
A: We accept major credit cards via the secure PAYPAL.
Q: Can I upgrade my hosting package to a bigger hosting plan?
A: Yes. Just email with your order and we will give you a URL for you to make additional payment. You need only to pay for the difference between the two (2) plans. No upgrade fees involved.
Technical Questions
Q: Can I use CGI scripts?
A: Yes, you will have your own CGI-BIN where you can install your own scripts.
Q: Can I use JAVA and ActiveX?
A: Yes, you can use compiled JAVA applets and ActiveX components
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